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Annual General Meeting

Ultimate decision-making power in HKFoods Plc is vested in shareholders in General Meetings of Shareholders, which are convened at least once annually. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) is held by the end of June each year. The Board of Directors sends a notice to shareholders and draws up the agenda.

Notice of general meetings of shareholders is given in the form of a stock exchange release as well as by announcement published on the Company’s website and, if so decided by the Board of Directors, in one or more national newspapers as determined by the Board of Directors no earlier than three months and no later than three weeks prior to the meeting.

The following matters, among others, are considered by the Annual General Meeting:

  • the financial statements and report of the Board of Directors
  • auditors’ report
  • adoption of the financial statements
  • the distribution of profit
  • the granting of discharge from liability
  • the remuneration of members of the Board of Directors and the auditors
  • the number of members of the Board of Directors
  • election of the members to the Board of Directors and the auditors
  • possible other matters, such as the granting of possible authorisations to the Board of Directors

Likewise, changes in the share capital and Articles of Association are also items of business to be considered by the Annual General Meeting or, if necessary, by an Extraordinary General Meeting. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened when the Board deems it to be warranted or when required under law.