HKScan is committed to operating honestly and adhering to high standards of ethical responsibility. The same is also expected of all its partners. To safeguard its ethical commitment and pre-emptively mitigate any associated risks, HKScan is adopting a new channel enabling anonymous reporting of any suspected breaches of good conduct. HKScan Fair Way is an important new tool helping the company to ensure ethical conduct throughout the company’s operations.
This convenient new channel is intended for reporting suspected cases of unethical behaviour in HKScan’s business. This applies to suspected violations of the law or other official regulations or deviations from HKScan’s Code of Conduct or other policies.
This may include:
- questionable or suspected improper accounting or auditing practices;
- suspected violations of HKScan’s Code of Conduct, policies and guidelines;
- suspected breaches of financial market rules and regulations governing listed companies, and
- suspected infringements of any other laws or regulations that govern HKScan’s operations.
All reports are processed confidentially
HKScan Fair Way is a fully confidential and anonymous channel intended for anyone who wishes to raise concerns regarding the company or its conduct. The system fulfills high standards of data protection and information security. To guarantee the complete anonymity of all individuals raising their concerns, the system is maintained by an external service provider.
For more information about HKScan fair Way and detailed instructions for submitting a report, please visit here:
For further details, kindly contact Markku Suvanto, EVP Legal, HKScan Corporation.
Please submit a call-back request via Marja-Leena Dahlskog, SVP Communications, marja-leena.dahlskog(at) or tel. +358 10 570 2142.
HKScan is the leading Nordic food company. We sell, market and produce high-quality, responsibly-produced pork, beef, poultry and lamb products, processed meats and convenience foods under strong brand names. Our customers are the retail, food service, industrial and export sectors, and our home markets comprise Finland, Sweden, Denmark and the Baltics. We export to close to 50 countries. In 2016, HKScan had net sales of nearly EUR 1.9 billion and some 7 300 employees.