Our Next Generation training programme provides young farmers with a unique opportunity to learn from top experts in the field, be inspired at work and to network with colleagues. Now the programme is launched in Finland and Sweden.
The main goal with Next generation trainings is to provide inspiration, knowledge and faith enough to convince young farmers to invest further in their farms for the future. The programme not only covers farming, but also economy, leadership, communication and digitalization. Next Generation trainings started last year in Finland and now the programme is launched also in Sweden.
25 Young farmers on board in Sweden
In Sweden, 25 young, forward thinking meat farmers from all over the country have been accepted to the first training round, representing both cattle, pig and lamb production.
“It’s important that we acknowledge the potential and importance of young farmers. The addition of new young farmers means new ways of thinking, innovation and entrepreneurship. They are a key factor to developing and implementing new business models, new and modern technical solutions and sustainability within the agricultural sector”, says Magnus Lindholm, COO HKScan Sweden.
The Swedish Next Generation training include four sessions, starting in November 2020 and ending in June 2021, with different themes and speakers for each session; farming, economy and investments, meat skills and marketing and finally social sustainability and leadership.
The speakers at the first session in November are all well-known profiles in the agricultural sector; Kim Kjaer Knudsen, co-owner of Nya Skottorp Gris, Magnus Palmgård, CEO of Tobo Solution and advisor to the biggest dairy company in Sweden, Helena Silvander, CEO of Tillväxtbolaget and Ludvig & Co, legal advisor.
HKScan’s target is to grow into a versatile food company. With over 100 years of experience, we make tasty, healthy and responsibly produced food responding to the needs of consumers and customers. For us at HKScan, responsibility includes the development of food production throughout the value chain, from farms to consumers. Our home markets cover Finland, Sweden, Denmark and the Baltics. Our nearly 7,000 HKScan professionals ensure tastier life - today and tomorrow. Our diverse product portfolio includes poultry, pork and beef, as well as meat products and meals. Our strong brands are HK®, Kariniemen®, Via®, Scan®, Pärsons®, Rakvere®, Tallegg® and Rose®. In 2019, net sales of the publicly listed HKScan totalled EUR 1.7 billion.